GeoPura Zero Emission HPUs In Production in Newcastle Upon Tyne

GeoPura Zero Emission HPUs In Production in Newcastle Upon Tyne


Michael Oxley

Content Creator

Michael Oxley

Together with Siemens Energy, we’re continuing to build our zero emissions Hydrogen Power Units (HPUs) as fast as we can!

Our award winning HPUs are designed and manufactured around industrial fuel cells and deliver a zero emissions alternative to diesel generators for off grid power, back-up power or grid augmentation.

Capable of delivering power at the scale required for commercial applications our HPUs provide 250kW electrical output, 80kW thermal power and 216kWh battery storage. The units can be run in parallel to deliver up to 2MW of power, used to provide combined heat and power systems, and supply all standard AC loads including EV chargers.

GeoPura HPUs have supported construction sites, live television broadcast and EV charging for events and product launches and their only emission is pure water.

If you are interested in using a HPU to deliver zero emission hydrogen power for your project, event or ongoing requirement please contact us to discuss.

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